Parsing out Leisa-land "Stuff" from The Perplexed Investor

Not that I need something else to do, but I'm electing to prospectively post non-market stuff to this blog. (My market stuff is rather thin of late, but I'm currently in the fully flummoxed mode.  Accordingly, I've gone mute.

As I frequently refer to Leisa-land and Notes from My life, I've elected to call this blog, Notes from Leisa Land.  I will also feel a little freer to post post non-market stuff in this space.  Like my other blog, hopefully people will "find this place" through their browsing. (And is this not just a beautiful blog design?)

So my snake encounters, refinishing counters, food, wine, whine, etc will now be relegated to this corner of the world.  In fact, I think that I will move a post over here on my countertops.

I'll get the Disqus moving on comments before long.


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