Week's End

The end of the year (and the beginning of the next) has always been my busiest time of year.  I worked quite a bit over the holidays to get some things nailed down, so I feel as if I'm in pretty good shape.  I also have a new client.  People I know from my past (former colleagues) that needed some help.  I was able to meet with them and quickly give them some solutions--not the least of which is hooking them up with another former colleague.  She is now on their payroll on a limited part time basis.  She is exactly what they need, and they are exactly what she needs.  I guess I'm a maven at heart.

Today was a great milestone!  I put the first coat of Waterlox on the cherry base cabinets at my SR project. Here's what I started with. 

I had planned to leave the cabinets except for cleaning them.  Unfortunately, cleaning them could not undo 'this' which was unacceptable.

So all doors removed, hardware removed and all wood stripped and assiduously sanded from 150-320 grit.

I found the following updated hardware, which I think will look cool:

This is Schaub's 'Stonehenge' in Ancient Bronze.  I am using 4" "H" Hinges in black...I"m hoping that this ancient bronze  is going to be pretty close to black with just enough accent to accentuate the cabinet color.  I'm having some reservations that these pulls my be too 'taste specific'; however, there are four key points to these:
  1. The shape will cover the existing holes
  2. The length will cover any carryover darkness from the spade ends of the original hardware.  
  3. The color will look terrific with the cherry cabinets.
  4. The design will 'echo' the backsplash.
The simple fact of the matter is that the 3.25" hole spacing in these cabinets limits my choices.  If these don't work out, I can send them back within 20 days.

I can finally see the finish line.


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