Blog Style Retooling

I converted to this Sorbet Blogger template a few months ago.  I was ready for a new look, and found this template which I was instantly in love with.  It was clean, colorful and interesting.  Despite my love at first site, there was a splinter of frustration:  I no longer had any bullets. This splinter worked its way deeper and deeper into my skin to the point where it was festering and feverish.  Each time I wanted a well-considered list, I had NOTHING.  As I consider bullets are essential elements for a pleasant viewing experience, losing bullets was like losing part of the alphabet--it impaired my writing.  Time to get that splinter out, and clean up the festering.  (Sorry for such a nasty metaphor, but it is how I felt).

With the July 4th  holiday, I had a bit of time to chew on why I have no bullets (a grave loss) or other formatting on my much-beloved lists, I hunkered down today to revisit how I might modify my new blog style to include the bullets.  We are laying low this holiday.  A graduation party we were to attend was missing an essential element--a graduate--due to a work schedule.  That opened up our holiday to have some free time.  I had a long week, so here I am working on my blog design to eliminate this frustration.They show on the Blogger "compose", but not on the preview.

I don't know CSS very well-- enough to hack away.  The admonition with any such hacking is to back up your template.  I did.  And I was glad for it!

I found this nifty list style at   Yes, I made a few modifications to the weight and line height, etc. But I did it for harmonization (at least to my eye).

I elected to to use the simple list for my ordered list.  It has been a while since I have worked with CSS.  I can hardly understand all of the 2500 lines of code on my template. Much of this is for cross platform browsing. However, I knew enough to look for the ol tag.  I did several experiments, the last of which totally crashed my site.  Thank goodness for the back up template.
  1. never 'tinker' without having a back up
  2. if it can crash it will
    1. test
  3. as you can see, I'm simply doing a list demo with some practical advice 
  4. I need to fix some ordering/number, but not for today.
  • For now
    • I'm happy to get 
      • bullets back
      • and interesting numbering schema
I've now removed the big objection that I had with this template. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the way this works.

Next housekeeping item is to fix my menu and link to stuff that I find interesting.  Reminder: creating your own blog is a great way to organize your on-line life.  You can keep it private, and have it solely for your personal use, or that for other invitees.  I've been blogging now since 10/2006.  I frequently go to my blog to figure out what happened when.  As well as to find recipes, links, quotes, etc.

I completed my housekeeping for now. I realized that there was no date posting--just the time of the post.  Geez...with all of the lines of code, I had to hunt and peck through it to figure out how to get a date up.  Further,  I updated my links in my menu.  See the glyph?  Click on that for my super-nifty drop down menu.  As you can see from my "menu". 

I have an interest in a great many things.  I hope that you find these resources informative.


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