Dog Sitting

I am dog sitting for my sister and her husband.  I last did this for a joyful occasion: their travel to MA to attend the marriage of their nephew.  This time, it is for a sad occasion:  the burial of my BIL's sister (mother to nephew).  She will be buried on her 60th birthday.

She was a breast cancer survivor for more than 10 years.  What came back was virulent, ugly an inescapable.  She handled it with grace and courage. 

With recent eye surgery, my sister was unable to fly.  Rather, they had to drive 12 hours.  Their home is just over 3 hours from mine.  They left early this a.m.  I committed to arriving by 2 p.m. My sister was a little concerned about how the dogs might react to me coming into their home without their being there. 

The girls remembered their auntie Leisa.  And I had but to say "Who wants a cheeeeeeeese treat?" in a high pitched voice for them to instantly remember who I was:  the lady with alacrity in feeding them treats.

They are almost 2 years older now from my last visit.  And that was my last visit.  My sister comes our way once a month; so we get to visit; I just don't get to Bedford. 

Savannah is the oldest.  Gray flecking spreading further on her face than before and across her body.  She still has lots of vigor; she reminds me of Ella.  But she will not be here two years hence in all probability.  Ruby, a pitty/rottie girl is fat as a butterball. She made her low happy growl-purr.  Shelley barked at me and hung back for just 30 short minutes.  All she needed was some prompting that I was the treat dispenser. "Oh, I remember who you are now!"

It's lovely up here.  I was in the living room when a doe and her two spotted fawn came through the front yard.  Deer are like the ballerinas of the fauna world...their movement languid, graceful and staccato at times of danger.

I now have three shadows.

I stopped in Lynchburg on my way in.  I stopped at the Givens Bookstore.  I walked out with an armful of used books.  My plan was to go to the bookstore and then see if there was a Thai restaurant around.  As it turns out, I came across the Blue Orchid on my way to the bookstore.  Providential!!! I had a lovely red curry and was fortified for my book buying jaunt.

I will be here several days.  I managed to leave my home without my camera.  My life has been too filled with work.  I will not even get a respite now as I have some deliverables to take care of.  I've been saying "thirty more days" for several months now.

I'm clicking my red heels together.  "Thirty more days."


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