Slow Roasted Pork Shoulder

On Thursday evenings, my local Food Lion has double markdowns on many things.  On my last visit, they had fresh picnic shoulders (among other things).  I picked up two at a 60% discount.  I typically make barbecue from these, and it has been several years since I've done so.  However, I elected to try something different, and I cruised around the Internet to find that.

I settled on this Ultra Crispy Slow Roasted Pork Shoulder which you can find at Serious eats by clicking the link.  My only modification was that scored the fat and added a garlic and olive oil paste (which I highly recommend) to the salt  and pepper.  This roast cooks, fat side up, in a low-heat (250) oven for 9 hours.  Then it is brought to a rest, up to 2 hours, and then subjected to a 500 degree oven to blister the fat cap.

This dish is not a diet dish, but it is comfort food.  My husband declared this one of his best meals ever.  It was succulent and fragrant and tender.  And oh how those cracklings tasted!

I served it simply with roasted potatoes and broccoli accompanied with freshly baked rosemary bread which I found at Food Network, called Almost-Famous Rosemary Bread  this was both easy and tasty.  I'm not clear why I have gone a a bread making jag, but I'm trying to be more "artisanal."  This bread was a perfect accompaniment to the roast.

I have been using my handmade soaps, and I have to say that I'm unlikely to ever buy another bar of commercial soap.  I am particularly liking my coconut milk soap. It has the richest and creamiest lather, and I even began using it on my hair with excellent results.


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