Inkscape Redux

 In working with my "baby quilt" Inkscape drawing more, I realized that I had an element that was not quite right.

Here's the original image.  I realized that the diamond centers in mid sashing was not quite right.

I changed (easily) a couple of elements note below and created  a more harmonious design.

And, my final design (after much futzing/stumbling about). 


 I did a complete takeoff, though I realized that my wandering eye to a finished v. a cut size caused me to become friendly with my Havil seam ripper. Check twice!  Measure twice!  Sew Once!  Avoid Unsewing!!!!!

When I complete the quilt, I will take a picture of it.  I will also post the blocks, measurements and take offs if any want to give this a try. This project provided me with twofold benefits:  (1) I was able to learn essential elements of Inkscape to allow me to understand in a structured way how to use the program; and (2) helped me understand the organic creation of quilt blocks AND their interplay.




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