The Leftovers Quilt-Finished


Here are the front and back of my leftovers quilt.  Yes, I wished I had put the pink bee fabric in the top left corner block...but I had already adhered the batting to the top.  No baby will notice.  And I used up some blocks and fabric from the collection on the pieced back.

I quilted it simply using my quilting running stitch on my Bernina. I learned recently that to achieve the intended look, you are supposed to use monofilament thread in the top and mess with tension.  I just used it like plain ole stitching, and I was fine with it. I used light gray thread on the top and pink rayon on the back.  It turned out very cute, and I was able to use up MOST of the leftover fabric in this line--this is the third quilt.

The pink fabric on the back is some Dear Stella fabric that I bought at Hancock's when it was $3.99 a yard.  I get big yardage when I see sales like that to use as quilt backs and binding. COVID/Post Covid has meant reduce values to be found. 

I made the pinwheels using Lee Henrich's Perfect HST.  Because these are paper pieced, they turn out quite well so long as you sew them together right.  I have one that looks like I was cross eyed.

I was able to use the last of my pink and gray bee fabric for the binding.  I cut my binding at 2 1/4 inches rather than 2 1/2".  I think that it worked better with seam allowances.  There are NOT perfect points on my diamond recs on the sides, but I'm fine with that. 

The binding was sewn onto the back and then brought forward to the front.  You can see how nice it looks in the picture above. I used fusible web to iron and tack down the binding to the front.  That keeps everything in place.  I know many use binding clips..and I have an use those.  But as this binding was narrower, I wanted to have in more permanently place.  My Appliquick tool is great for handling the fusible near the iron.

I like this stitch. It's the method I prefer to use because I'm not going to hand stitch binding. I'm not making show or heirloom quilts.  Rather quilts that are rugged and can withstand lots of washing.  I used a reverse blanket stitch with matching thread.  I really like the way that it lays down flat which I think makes a clean and attractive finish.  Yes I was a slug and used a decorative thread for both the quilting and the binding.



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