Swedish Death Quilting

 I'm going to coin the phrase, "Swedish Death Quilting".  Dövaddsticka or is it Dökvilta?  Who's to know?  Anything you say in Swedish sounds darn cool!

You are familiar with the term, "Swedish Death Cleaning"  or döstädning.  Essentially (I'm paraphrasing) it is "putting one's house in order" BEFORE one's demise and imagine the dispensation of all the objects in your universe after you dispatch to the Netherworld.

If you looked upon my home you would realize that I have not been a practioner.  It is simply a concept that rattles around in my head.  I have lived in the same home since 1985, so that many years of stuff that has Velcro-ed to me.

I'm beginning my 3rd year of quilting.  Most of the quilts that I have done, I have given away.  Most of those were baby quilts, and I've made many.  They were the perfect entre into quilting.  I see that many quilters who have been at this a long time have many quilts.  I have one.  

Nevertheless, I have a lot of fabric, and I want to ensure that I work through it and don't have piles and piles of it when I leave this plane of existence. As I was cleaning up after the tornadic activity on my modified betwixt quilt, I pondered my fabric stacks.  

No one in my universe would be interested in this fabric.  I have a knack for being interested in things that not a soul in my orbit has an interest in!  It will be reduced to a Goodwill auction. (Hopefully not a landfill!) And there is no shame in that.

Who among us has not enjoyed our good fortune at finding the a death bounty in the thrift store--furniture, books, clothing, FABRIC? Occasionally I find yard goods.

I'm working on modifying my KanbanFlow for quilting.  I use it for my work, and I think that it an excellent prospect for managing quilting UFO's.  More on that as I move forward.


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