One Block Wonder Part II: Rethink

 Though I have some wonderful blocks, I think that my fabric has too much background.  I feel like I have better single blocks.  As you can see from the first pic below I'm having some trouble figuring out a layout. 

Here's a single block below:

I "squared" the  block off.  I used my Clearview 60 degree ruler to cut 1/2 triangles (with needed seam width).  I must confess, that I initially tried to put a square cut on a diagonal!  DUH! DOH! These are hexagons which have a 60 degree angle, not 45! If anything, quilting is geometry.  Had I made an octagon, it would have been fine.  The Clearview 60 has more markings than other 60 degree rulers.  I was easily able to get just what I needed, which brings me to my public service announcement.

Rulers are only as good as the acrylic they are made from and the markings that they have.  I have two June Taylor rulers.  Their quality is sub par.  I will not buy anything else branded under that name. The acrylic is noticeably thinner and softer than other rulers.  I have a Binding Buddy ruler and the Equilateral Triangle Ruler.  I bought the latter to get a smaller than 10" ruler than my Clearview. It has  shading that is so dark it is hard to see the markings against darker fabric.  I bought it because it was cheaper.  Yes I could  use it, but it was a struggle to see.  Further it is thinner than other acrylic.  My Binding Buddy ruler's acrylic is so soft it splintered against

When you are starting out, you just don't know.  Without experience I have found that I have deficient markings on some rulers and too many markings on others.  Finding the Goldilocks ruler is hit or miss.  Being able to cut companion angles (e.g. set in half triangles) with requisite seam allowances is very helpful.  If you have triangle markers without a center line and 1/4" lines on either side, it is not so helpful.  

There is a but...too many lines can be distracting when you are just cutting makes it harder to see the simple line. If you are doing lots of cutting, it is worth having the perfect ruler...because a bad cut (or a series of disastrously bad cuts) will cost you material and time.

I plan to square my blocks off  and put sashing in between.  I think that will showcase some of the really fun blocks.  I'll post my progress.


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