Stack and Whack | One Block Wonder

 Though reminiscent of pancake eating, I have recently become enamored in interest (not done one yet) of the "stack and whack" a/k/a "One Block Wonder" method of quilt making.  Essentially, you take one piece of fabric, find a repeat, cut it in strips and then subcut it, and then resew pieces.

There are plenty of places to learn about this technique if you have not heard of it prior.  To help you visualize what your fabric might yield, there are 2 tools:

  1. One Bock Wonder Design Helper allows you to upload a photo of your fabric and then can provide you with where the subcuts will be and what the hexagons will be.  MOREOVER, you can double click on the hexagons to get a single one rotate (3 rotations to each block as each wedge is 3 sides).  Or, you can get them all to rotate at once.  It is free; fast; fantastic.
  2. Marti Michell Magic Mirror.  It is less than $14 on Amazon, and well worth giving you a quick view at your sewing space.  It is 2 non glass mirrored acrylic that are attached (smoothly/professionally) with duct tape that serves as the hinge.  You could make it yourself but not without a lot of fuss and muss.

As I became captivated with the design concept, I was wondering what fabric I could use.  I recently purchased some fabric on sale at Hancock's.  It occurred to me that it would do quite well.  Here is the fabric:


 And here is the refashioning of it using hexagons at 3.75 inches:

I plan to utilize this method.  On your design board you can move around your stuff...but even this rendition 

Really intriguing (addicting even!) techniques.  I'm satisfied that I can make something pretty cool with this fabric so I will embark on making a quilt in this fashion.  No need to futz about with matching colors.  An this method is a great way to get rid of ugly fabric.  (I love this fabric, and I don't consider it ugly!)

The other great thing about the Design Helper, you can click on the hexies and move them about.



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