Meeting Esteban and Other Wonderful Weekend Things

 This weekend was a marked change from the last two weekends where we were struggling to come to terms with the Dexter tragedy. 

First, on Saturday we attend our first Post-Covid party.  It was a lovely chance to visit with friends of many years.

Second, on Sunday,  Mark and I met Esteban.  Had we been going to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, we could have not have been more excited. He came out of his foster home on a lead and was eager to see stranger danger for him.  We were instantly captivated by this handsome, charming fellow.

Esteban had been adopted once before.  His owners were not comfortable their ownership role with some of the behaviors (innocuous) that he was presenting, and returned him.  There is no judgment there; and I appreciated their doing so because now Mark and I can welcome Esteban into our home. We pick him up tonight.

 We live close to nature, so we also had some nature "I Spy" events.  While at the kitchen sink I looked out an saw one spotted fawn.  Then another.  Then the mother.  Then....yet another spotted fawn.  Did you know?  Triplet fawns occur 14% of the time in deer.  No wonder this momma was such an eager eater...she was nursing three fawns.  There was definitely a runt fawn.  I've not seen the other two proximate to each other to judge.

We put corn out for her.  When we went to Tractor Supply we picked up more corn and some sweetena.   The mother deer and her fawns were all eating it...though they were getting some nip-nip too.  That poor momma deer.  When I see her, I call her "Pretty Girl".  If there is no food for her, she will make sure that we see her.  She hangs back when it is brought out; but she is within 10 ft which is close.  

On the bird front, my Eastern Wood Pee Wee is back.  I also noted that last year's nest, nestled in the fork of an outer branch of the white oak, appeared to be fortified.  I looked more closely the following day and saw the female's tail pointed out.  I did a little research and found that they do reused nests from prior year.  I still marvel that they same bird has likely come back..same place, same tree, same nest.

Yesterday I noted that I had yet another flycatcher....the Great Crested Flycatcher.  I spied him yesterday with my binoculars and noticed his lovely lemon yellow belly.  I don't think that I've noticed him before.  

Flycatchers are magnificent to watch.  There alacrity of their flying is breathtaking.  They zip and zoom and then repair back to the starting point.

Nice to have some happy things to look forward and see. We bring Esteban home tonight.  I cannot wait.


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