Carolina Wren Revisited and Other Stuff

Well, the CW's in the grill HAD NOT FLEDGED.  I moved the grilled, peered in the nest and saw many a snuggled baby.  Either I have two mating pairs, or the begging fledgling I saw was from previous brood. Whatever, whomever, that CW has been chipping on deck asking for mealworms.  You may think that I'm imagining such, but I think not. (****update:  I was imagining....I believe the parents were chipping at their nestlings to invite them to become nestlings*** I've observed that during rainy period (v. sunshine) there are fewer bugs flying about. But, it is just a hypothesis (since updated~)

The thing about CW's is they hop about and put their slender, curved beak into every crevice seeking out morsels (tasty or otherwise).  The mealworms (my colony is now about 3 years old ) are fast food for hungry mouths.  Offering them in the breeding season helps hard working parents get a break. Also, if there is a single parent, due to death/injury of mate, it is a godsend.

My daughter's friend's husband has Covid. He is on day 9 of continual fever.  He went to the emergency room, and he's been diagnosed with the viral pneumonia and Covid lung that accompanies this wretched illness.  Why they did not get vaccinated, I do not know.  I hope that he has a full recovery; but he is not on the downhill yet.  Mid thirties; healthy; 4 kids.

While I am experiencing compassion fatigue for the unvaccinated others on the news, I feel none such apathy for people that I know.  So I send healing thoughts their way knowing what a terrible tragedy may happen and hope that a full recovery is had.

We have several friends who have refused to get the vaccine.  The "my body my choice" chant seems to be the core of resistance by many; however, when it comes to other health decisions on the part of others (that have no deleterious effects on others) they seem to want to insert their beliefs into THOSE decisions.  

If you don't believe in abortion, don't get one.  If you don't believe in the right to die with dignity, then slog it out and drag your family with you.  But no need to foist your belief system on others who might make other choices--and their choices have NO effect on your life.

Choices about wearing a mask, social distancing or getting vaccinated are choices that affect the health outcomes of others.  I can understand if a person does not want to get vaccinated; then wear a mask.  It is that simple.  

I think of the example of Jesus, and I wonder how evangelicals cherish his sacrifice to die for their sins, but they could not be bothered to put a @#$^%$%^@$#^ mask on to save a life or prevent an illness in themselves or any in their family or community.  It makes no sense.  Somehow the resistance to masks or vaccination has been bastardized to be in impingement on freedom. Alas human beings can make anything suit their rationalizations.

I'm confident that Jesus would not have compassion fatigue for such twisted thinking. He would not judge them. Though I'm pretty sure he would judge harshly those who purposely spread lies and disinformation for the sheer purpose of exerting power and influence over those who would subject themselves to such information.

It is the only mental model that I can build to make sense out of how my own responses to people are.  Accordingly, I will continue to exercise compassion (v. contempt) for those that listen to the bad actors, and focus my contempt and anger at those actors.

I don't call myself a Christian, but I do believe in the example of Jesus, and I call upon it when I'm struggling with being a better person.  I wish more would do the same.


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