Lemoyne Star | Final | Conquered with Impunity

I've been yammerin on about my !#$%^$%#&^ LeMoyne Star learning curve (like climbing Mt Everest in a snowstorm).   Nancy shows something here that NO other presenter has shown:  making your triangles and squares slightly oversized.

So while my techniques had improved mightily, and I mostly was getting the size block that I wanted, it is was still not where I wanted to be:  perfect.

I've been chasing perfection, and I thought that this might be the final key to my ultimate success. (It was!)

 So I set upon my scientific experiment to upsize my insets.

For a 6" block, I cut the 3.75 square for the QST's at 4". I cut the 2.25 square at 2.5".

Now when you upsize, you ALWAYS have to line up your block from the inside (inset corner) out.  I like to use the corner clipper for my squares and triangle insets to nip that small corner out. I also like to make the dot first.  By doing so, you can line up your corner, make sure your dot is on your stitching line at the inset.  I glue baste each side (I call the my dry fitting). 

My result? (I did in purple because Nancy uses purple).

Perfectly square.

Perfectly sized.

Perfect points.

Thank you Nancy.

You can see her video.  I watched so many of her videos over the years and she helped keep my learning curve in rolling Va hills. v Mt Everest.  Check her out.  You 'll be glad you did.


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