Lemoyne Star On Point

 Here's where I am so far in my throw quilt.  I elected to set my LeMoyne Star blocks on point in the beautiful "Alfie" fabric by Este MaCleod.  It is long enough, but not wide enough.  The frame around the smaller stars was a perfect way to  pair these smaller stars (all of these were practice blocks) with the larger.  In fact, it makes them look as if they are floating. 

I need to put a border on two sides as I want to get it to 50".  In my "organic" (read chaotic) process of putting this quilt together, I need to deliberate on it.

And here it is. 

I used my Deb Tucker Diamond Rects to make 3x6 diamond rects and put a 1.5" finished border around them to get more width on the quilt. I used the rest of my ribbon fabric.  Part of me thinks I should have floated the diamonds in the backround fabric...but I was feeling as if the background was too much.

I have 3 more large stars that I will put on the back of the quilt.  I think that I'll use the same floral on the back with the 3 stars pieced in.  I think that I'll put them vertically to create a panel on the left of the quilt.  That will help with the piecing of the back as the piece is about 52" wide.

I did not figure my spacers on the diamond correctly... so I had to put filler on either end (pulled the center of the strip to center of quilt top and then filled in the rest.

Overall a good effort; one that I will be proud to gift.  It will use all of my stars--and most of my stars look quite good, though there are a few blocks where the points were clipped. It was a good creative process to go through as well as an important skill builder.


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