Country Hamapalooza

The country ham that my sister gave us is wonderful.  It is one piece of meat that I feel gets better the day after, and under refrigeration after cooking.  Since enjoying it on New Year's day (though I stumbled through the meal preparation due to just getting over the flu), we have had it in stuffed peppers (with cheese, onions, rice and leftover blackeyed peas) and then last night in an onion tart.  I'll need to carve it up and freeze doesn't need to linger long in the refrigerator.

Angel came up lame yesterday.  I believe it was from her new-found vigilance at the front door. On Saturday evening she hurled herself off the front steps onto Daisey (who is 45 to her 72 lbs) and who refuses to submit. She looked like a WWW Pro wrestler flying through the air to body slam Daisey.  Daisey was no worse for the wear, but Angel could not get up on her own yesterday, nor this a.m.  Once up, she was able to motor around, albeit gingerly.  She shows considerable alacrity (lame or not) whenever her food bowl is activated.  Some rest will help, so she will be on the injured reserve list when it comes to playing with Dexter.  She's had this type of injury before.  I suspect she has an old injury that becomes aggravated when she does stuff she shouldn't.  Dogs are no different than people.

The vestiges of the flu are hanging on to the most habitable part of my body:  my sinuses.  A colleague (whose family and he were smitten by this flu foe--though I'm not around him, so I don't feel that he was my source of infection) warned that these vestiges would linger.  I'm pulling out my neti pot, and will try to wrest them from their security.

I've not had much energy to play with Dexter, and that boy needs some raucous, intense play sessions to burn of energy.  A tempered walk, which is all I can do these days just does not cut it.  The only good thing about the flu is that the 2.5 days that I spent in bed were good for my rear end.  Maybe we can make it through 2015 without any of us breaking anything.  The last three years on a collective basis have not been so fortunate.

Yesterday I was able to complete an entire day of work at my desk doing client work.  Year end is a mass of deadlines for me, and being ill has only put me in the hole.  However, I've been implementing some new work concepts which I will share later.  Now, I have to get back to my tasks!


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