The Little Zippered Bag

 I used to write systematically.  I would get up in the a.m....early .... and begin writing.  As Jose Ortega Y Gasset said, "Writing is the policeman of the mind."  The act of writing is organizing the chaos of the brain.  I think that applies to "makers" as well.  I've always done some sort of making, and I attest that it forces the brain to take concept to concrete.

I write the above mostly as a reminder that I should write daily.


I have a growing stash of fat quarters.  I purchase them from Amazon.  For about $22 you get 20 fat quarters which are part of the Free Spirit Mystery bundle that comes in and out of stock. (Other places sell this for double).  You get all sorts of things from Free Spirit designers.  I can honestly say, that I've seen some the lovely and loathsome fabric in these bundles.  Never fear.

Some of the fabric is so odd that you have to wonder what to do with it.  I had some 30 year old zippers (and the price was still attached).  Zippers cost the same now as they did then.  I decided that I would try my hand at making a little zippered bag...fully lined.  

I also wanted to experiment with sewing with Perle Cotton. I wound some turquoise Perle Cotton on the bobbin and put some widely spaced (too wide really!) quilting on the bag.  Fat quarters are the perfect size for making bags of any sort.  I took one of the odd quarters and thought it would make a cute bag.  I'm so glad that I undertook this skill-building exercise.  Gladder still that there is the fraternity of You Tubers who generously share how to make such a bag.

So after watching a few vids, I embarked on making the little bag above.  That odd fabric made a cute bag.  I gifted it to a friend of mind who was hosting an outdoor happy hour.  she loved it.

And then I made the second bag out of gorgeous bright fabric.  That, too, was gifted.  I also made a third and fourth.  I'll make many more, but the idea is that for the price of a zipper and a fat quarter, and less than an hour of your time, you can make a simple little bag to use as a hostess gift, or to fill with goodies (in a Ziploc), lotions, kitchen gadgets.  

The hardest part about making these bags is to remember to open the !@#$^@%$& zipper before sewing the outer fabric together. (If you forget, just grab the zipper tab through the outside part of the bag...the thicker your bag, the harder that is).  The bag gets turned through the zipper and through the inside lining. So if you are on auto pilot, you could easily forget and leave the zipper closed or sew all the way around your inside lining.  For the latter problem, your seam ripper is your friend.

Supplies are simple:  Outer fabric, inner fabric, zip, batting (fusible or non, if not fusible, quilt it) thread scissors.  Boxing the corners is an easy skill and will open up the bag.

 My sister has been undergoing some stress (as have many).  I made a larger format bag for her in a beautiful metallic gold peacock designed fabric.  I quilted it with some lovely embroidery thread (poly).  I gave it to her as a "worry bag".  Put you worries in it and forget about it.

Why not consider making your own?



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