Wildlife Voyeurism

As you know, once you click on anything of interest to you, YouTube grabs a content shovel and sends it your way.  This video of the Deer Pantry in Brownville Maine showed up.  These troughs contain native wild oats and acorns to help sustain the deer population through difficult winters.

I clicked on it, because we help out our local deer population in winters where the acorns between the red/white oaks are off cycle.  With the close of deer season in VA, we begin to put corn out.We also keep a salt block to include a dense mineral block.

Living in the the woods with a hardwood swamp behind us means that we have much abundant wildlife. Last year, we witnessed an orphan deer who had attached himself to another deer family.  At first, I thought the doe had triplets until she and the larger offspring flattened their ears and attacked him.  Nevertheless, he stayed close the to smaller offspring.

I would then see him come up by himself.  Sometimes he would lay right atop the pile of food.  Other times, he would nestle in the curve of a dead tree surrounded by tall wild grass.  I enjoyed looking out my window and seeing him find safety and comfort there.

Other times I would see the big racoon come up (through the help of an infrared spotting scope manned through the kitchen window).  He would eat alongside the deer--rubbing the corn between is paws.  In other years, I have spied a rabbit eating alongside the deer.

So with the close of hunting season and the opening of our deer pantry we will see what wonders await.


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