Flutterby Progress

With my continued need for my secret decoder ring for left/right mirrored triangles and their place, and where the nexus block spins next, I'm putting pieces up on the wall. I cannot imagine undertaking this project without a design wall. I would have resigned from the project long ago.


 I now have Jen's Quilt Lovely book, and for this quilt, I'm not learning anything different about the pattern that I didn't deduce using Block Detective skills in looking at the 2-3 pictures I found on line--and of course the actual size of the elements.  She uses a template to cut the split rectangles, and she interestingly cuts rectangles first....my fashioning as well from my Peaky/Spike days. Great minds!  But I would never use a template for all of the split rects required here.  A perfect example of getting a ruler that you can use across many quilts with different size options.

I would also note that her block finishes at an odd size (not providing info here given that it is a pay for book).  I choose to make my split rectangles from a ruler, and I had sized out my block long before I had her book in hand.  I choose to make 9" blocks (full quads measuring at 18" finished).  However, making this again, I would size my split rectangles smaller--probably 2 x 6, and then key the remaining blocks from that resizing to have a quad measure 6 x 6 finished.

I'm not disappointed in my choice, but a think that a smaller block would have more charm.

 Where I called a nexus block of the same fabric to join two split rectangles, she anchors the outside block on the 4 patch with such a block (static color). No difference to my eye.

I find myself imagining what the split rectangles would look like using string pieces....

The book is a nice inspiration--particularly for any who gravitate toward scrappy quilts.  I'm not a scrappy quilter...but as part of my Swedish Death Quilting mantra...I need to be. This Flutterby is the perfect scrappy quilt as are MANY of Jen's other designs.  So her use of scraps....eclectically and in beautiful settings. . .  was the real payload.

Her quilt "Glitter" is also one that I may attempt, but the odd shapes in that will require one to want to have a project that they are totally in love with.

Now that I have built solid skills, I feel like I can tackle a project such as Glitter.  I also wish to do a Kaleidoscope Quilt (not one block wonder, but using the ruler).




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