Pet Peeves | "The Best ______"

 While there are many things one could carp about, I dedicate my energy this a.m. to one:  The nonsensical advertisement of any recipe as being "the best".  In this current "high baking" season where we lavish sweets to our friends and neighbors, there are so many "best" cookie recipes. 

A search of "Best Chocolate Chip Cookies" yielded 1.56 million hits.   And there are 12 thumbnails.

The ratings on just these 12 range from 4 to 5.  If the were the best they should all be rated 5.  
The point is the "best" to one taste preference is not the best to another.  A simple changing of "Favorite" for "Best" would eliminate my peeve and provide the more impressive conclusion that because there are 1.546 million favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie recipes, means that they are quite the favorite of many.

If you are new to cooking/baking, you will find that you will have some recipes that you prefer over others--even if they are touted "best", and you will learn to make adjustments to find your preferences. There are so many great websites now with tested recipes (and family recipes that might be less exact in descriptions).  And if you review comments you will see that many have different outcomes than the recipe.  It's great inspiration and education. 


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