Daily Stuff

 Watching the news is a constant reminder of how fortunate we are in our lives.  I rarely complain about "stuff" because it is of little consequence when compared to the burdens of others.

I woke up early yesterday and I was on my computer--I received a message that I was almost out of space on my C drive.  Ugh.  I have a pretty large and powerful desktop--but it is approaching 7 years age.  And I've accumulated lots of "stuff" over the years.  

Space is not the problem that it used to be where both memory and disk space were precious commodities.  Memory and storage are now cheap, but computing power/speed and video graphics power/speed are what are dear.

I spent the better part of 3 hours moving stuff from C to E.  There was much duplication of files that I had moved prior to to the E drive, but I must have only copied them as they were still on C.  The way the files show up in the directory sidebar did not illuminate this error.

So my free space of 3% is now free space of 11%.  That works. Breathe.

I've been working through my scrappy LeMoyne Stars. From my scrap bin, I starched, ironed and cut strips in 1.5" widths which allowed me to use up some "stuff".  The Stripology ruler is a godsend for such work.

I pulled my Betwixt quilt out and sewed all of the blocks together into a quilt top.  I moved it on my KanBan board to the "Sandwich" column.  I did not well-consider my seam push on these blocks (and no wonder the original design had a banded strip on the Ohio Star.  But I wanted the non-banded to get the effect that I wanted.  But there's a mass convergence of seams--going unnatural ways. But I got it to work, and I'm not going to fuss about it. 


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